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5 Common Household Toxins and Your Dog



dog_toxins.jpgBeing a pet owner requires a lot of responsibility from the whole family.  It is not just limited to walking and feeding the animal, as there are many other components to consider when being a responsible pet owner.  One of the most imperative ones is keeping your animal safe and free of any injuries.  Believe it or not, they can get hurt right at home just as easily as they can out in the woods.  The following are the 5 common household toxins and your dog can be at risk, so be sure to read all of these carefully.

#1  Cleaners

Every home generally has a cabinet where they hold all or most of their cleaning supplies.  This can be under a sink somewhere, or in a laundry room.  Either way, it is best to keep them up higher to decrease the risk of your dog becoming seriously ill by consuming any of these poisonous liquids or powders.  Most have ingredients such as pine or oils that can be fatal to your pup. Always keep them up high and far away from the animal's reach.

#2 Antifreeze

Antifreeze can kill your dog, and rather quickly as well.  It has ethylene glycol inside it and all it takes is a few minutes around your dog and it can become extremely sick or even worse, die.  Experts claim the dog is attracted to it due to its sweet taste, but once the dog licks a few tiny drops of it they can cause an immense amount of damage.  Always keep this liquid far away from dogs and cats, preferably on a high shelf in the garage.

#3  Laundry Soaps

Similar to the antifreeze, for some reason dogs are also attracted to laundry cleansers and even bleach.  They are quick to start drinking it without any knowledge that it can seriously harm them.  Bleach especially can be fatal to your furry friend, so do ensure that you are storing these products away from the pet at all times.

#4  Small Items That Are Choking Hazards

Just as liquids can be fatal to your pet, so can small items that can be swallowed or choked on.  If it is small enough to be swallowed, then it is a hazard.  Cotton balls, moth balls, wrapping from anything that a pet would be attracted to such as candy wrappings, coins, batteries, nuts and small children's toys are all hazardous. 

#5 Medications

Yes, your pet will love to pop pills and even drink the liquid ones.  Dogs do not consider the consequences of their actions, they simply react.  They see a bottle of pills and treat it like a toy or even enjoy the smell of them and become inclined to eat them.  Stow away all medications to keep your pet safe.

Final Thoughts For Dog Safety

Always be sure to walk through your home entirely to move items that can be dangerous to your pet in higher places.  This means going to every shelf and cabinet, and either placing child safety locks on them or moving the contents of such areas to other locations. 


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