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Advice For Feeding Dogs


dog_eating.jpgBeing able to care for your dog properly involves a significant amount of responsibility.  One of the most important duties that you have as the caretaker for your dog is to provide them with food. In order to live a healthy life, dogs require a diet that is packed with protein, essential fatty acids, carbohydrates, and vitamins. In order to help your dog consume these crucial items, you will need to make an educated decision on what form of dog food to use.

There are four main types of dog food and each of the types has its own benefits. Dry dog food is very commonly used to feed dogs of all sizes. Dry food is nice for you as the owner since it is easy to store and simple to serve to your dog. In dry food, there are many more calories than in some of the other food options, so be sure to feed wisely by serving your dog with quantities that are smaller. Dry food also comes in a lot of different versions with specific ingredients for certain kinds of special needs dogs, such as diabetic or senior dogs.


Another common way to feed your dog is with canned food. Canned foods tend to be packed with protein and are available in a wide variety of flavors. This type is also favorable if you have a dog that seems to be picky with food, as picky dogs tend to like canned food and will eat it. As canned food has lower calorie content, you can combine it with dry food if you have a dog that needs a higher calorie intake.


There is also a variety of food available to dogs referred to as semi-moist food. As the name explains, this variety is partially moist and contains a considerably higher amount of calories compared to canned food. The carbohydrate level in semi-moist food is high, which makes it a great choice for dogs that are extremely active.


A final way to feed your dog is through products in your own kitchen. Holistic food, or food that is freshly prepared, can help your dog to fulfill all of his or her nutritional needs.  The holistic dog food should consist of items such as lightly steamed vegetables, brown rice, pasta cooked in chicken broth rather than water, low-fat meats such as beef or chicken, or scrambled eggs. Make sure that you are not adding any salt to these food items, as your dog should not be exposed to a diet that is high in sodium.


Whatever type of food that you decide to choose for your dog, you should always consult with your veterinarian to make sure that you are meeting the needs of your specific pet.  Remember to treat the food that you serve to your dog similar to the food that you would serve yourself by storing any open, uneaten portions in the refrigerator and keep it covered. By understanding the feeding needs of your dog, you will be able to provide him or her with a happy and healthy life.


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