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Places To Buy A Dog


Buy_Dog.jpgYou’re taking your daily morning stroll and as usual, you take note of your envy as you see the same 6am walkers that you pass everyday, walking or running with their dogs. You’ve been toying with the idea of purchasing a pup for some time now, and after much evaluation of your life, you deemed yourself a qualified pet parent. In this moment, walking briskly through the crisp, fall air, you decide that find your new dog is going to be your mission this weekend. When you get home, you begin to think about where to start and you decide to begin with the following places.

Your local pet store - Pet stores typically have a variety of breeds to choose from and they are usually all young puppies because that is typically when people like to adopt their dogs; when they’re young. Pet stores also will usually give the pets they sell their shots before they are adopted. This way, it’s one less thing for the owner to worry about.


Another place to check out is Craigslist. Many people who have dogs that get impregnated unintentionally do not have the resources to take care a full new litter. In these cases, they will try to give the dogs away, but it can be difficult finding a suitable home and it also can turn into a time consuming task. A Craigslist ad is a fast way to get their puppies exposure in hopes to find them a suitable home. So if you’re searching for puppies, you just type that into the search engine and almost immediately a list will be generated of local newborn puppies in your area. The only downfall is you can’t be as picky with the type of breed you want.


Adopting a rescue dog is becoming a really popular option these days. With all of the dogs that are mistreated and looking for a good home, they end up being the most loving to the owners that choose to adopt them. Rescue dogs can come from anywhere.  Breed is also not much of an option if you choose to go this route, however, there are certain breeds that are rescued more often. For example, Greyhounds are often rescued if they were once race dogs. Many times, these dogs end up being mistreated or owners even go as far as electrocuting them so they no longer have to take care of them once their racing days are over. Not all of the dogs die during the electrocution and they are rescued from this horrible treatment. Of course, other inhumane things are done to dogs that validate their rescue as a major blessing, but that is just one example. These dogs are incredibly sweet and grateful to be given a second chance once adopted.


So as you begin your search this weekend, you plan to start with pet stores, Craigslist ads and rescue dogs to see where your precious pup-to-be is hiding; although you think you may already know that rescuing a pup would be the most rewarding.


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