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Shiba Inu Information



Shiba Inu Facts

Size  Small
Male Max Weight  14.5-16.5 lb
Female Max Weight  13.5-15.5 lb
Life Span  12-15 years
Energy Level 6
Ease of Training


Exercise Requirements




Affection Level


Good With Dogs


Good With Pets

Good With Strangers

Watchdog Ability


Protection Ability

Cold Tolerance

Heat Tolerance

Shiba Inu Temperament

The Shiba Inu is a headstrong, independent, and confident breed. When it is outdoors, it tends to be the most lively. When it is indoors, it tends to be very calm as long as it gets adequate exercise. If it does not get the right amount of exercise, then it can become quite ornery. When other dogs are around, the Shiba Inu is known to become aggressive when strange dogs of the same sex come prancing around their territory. Small animals may also entice this dog to start a chase. They tend to be domineering, territorial, and alert. When strangers are around, the Shiba Inu may be reserved. It is a very excellent watchdog and may bark a lot - especially if there is an intruder.         

Shiba Inu Upkeep

This breed needs exercise every single day in the form of vigorous exercise, such as a strenuous game in the yard, a long, trying walk, or a good run. You may want to keep them in a fenced in area, as they tend to roam due to their adventurous nature. If it lives in a moderate climate then it can live outdoors in cool climates if given warm shelter but it really thrives when it is able to live indoors and outdoors. It is recommended to brush its coat once or twice weekly, but when it is shedding, it may require much more maintenance to avoid matting.     

Shiba Inu Health

There are some health concerns that surround the Shiba Inu, however, not as many as other breeds may be susceptible to. A major health concern to the Shiba is patellar luxation. Owners should keep an eye out for such a condition. Minor concerns include allergies and cataracts. These are both pretty treatable, especially the allergies. Chronic Hip Dysplasia, distichiasis, PPM and PRA are also occasionally seen in Shiba Inus which is why most vets will recommend that all Shiba Inu owners test their dogs for different conditions. This can be done with knee, hip, and eye tests. If kept healthy, it will live approximately 12 to 15 years.    

Shiba Inu History

There are six different breeds of native Japanese dogs and all six have a different name for their breed. The smallest, and probably oldest of these breeds is the Shiba Inu. The breed is covered with a rich red coat which many believe is a direct correlation to the red brushwood trees through where they hunted. A nickname that stemmed from this theory is the little brushwood dog. The actual origination of this breed isn’t fully known but it is believed to be of the spitz heritage and may have been used as a hunting dog from as early at 300 BC over in central Japan. They were typically used to flush out birds and other small game, however, they were occasionally used to track down wild boar. After World War II, the breed almost diminished due to distemper in 1952. Different types of Shiba Inu were interbred in efforts to save the breed.  They arrived in America in 1954 and they were officially recognized as a breed according to the AKC in 1993.  

Shiba Inu Pictures



Middle Aged     




Shiba Inu Videos