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Poisons To Keep Your Dog AwayFrom


Dog_Poisons.jpgMany dog owners certainly may feel that they have provided their dos with a happy and safe home to reside in. while this may be true for millions of homes with dog in it, some do not realize the many things in the world that can be harmful to your dog. For example, just by having your dog stay indoors does not always bode a healthy environment and they can become very ill some can even encounter death by being around certain chemicals and things in their home.

For example, you may have a problem brewing in your home that regards rodents or insects. When you utilize the sprays and traps, the dog can become very ill from these elements even ones just living in the air. The dog does not necessarily have to eat or consume any of the poison, they just have to be close to it in some cases to get sick from them. Any type of fertilizer or weed killers can also make the canine sick. Does this mean your dog can never go I the backyard again? Of course not, just read the precautions on the labels and do not spray them anywhere near the dog or where it typically lays or plays in the grass. They do sell many options for organic sprays for these purposes that are not going to effect the dog which is the best case scenario to ensure your pup will not be getting sick any time soon. If you do have to spray them, or you have a professional lawn service that tends to your lawn, it may be a wise option t listen carefully to the experts and do not permit your pup to go out there for at the very least three days until the chemicals have been saturated into the soil. If you do have a professional lawn service attendant or team that comes to your home, inquire with them about the safety of your dog walking and playing on the area that has been treated and in many cases they will provide you with the proper instructions, they can even choose to switch to an different chemical treatment from there on out.


Do not place any traps for rodents in the way of the dog’s path, as many dogs have injuries each year just by being the curious creatures that they are and they result in touching it with their paws and then they get their paws stuck in them and you find yourself taking them to the vet. They can also get ill from being around certain houseplants as well. To locate a list of these look on the web or inquire within your local vet office. They can become ill by these plants which most human assume are harmless, and they can begin to vomit or feel abdominal pain. Some yards or areas at parks have trees with berries on them that can be very harmful to a dog as well. Always watch your dog carefully when it is outdoors to ensure they are not eating something that could truly hurt them. You can also inquire through a nursery close to your home or office and show them the plant in question and generally they do have the resources to advise if it is something to concern yourself with around a puppy or dog.



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