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5 Tips To Find Your LostDog



Lost_DogLosing a dog can be one of the most horrifying experiences; it can even be similar to losing a child in a store.  You become terrified as to their whereabouts and panic instantly.  Before you continue down an emotional path of worry, think clearly and retrace your steps.

Tip #1:  Keep Your Emotions In Check

Anytime a stressful event takes place in your life you have two options.  Youcan either focus and think of a plan to execute, or you can allow the feelings of confusion take over and that willnot help find your furry friend.  Stay calm when you realize that your animal is missing and the easier youbecome relaxed, the quicker you can get to the bottom of the mystery.

Tip #2:  Use Your Memory To Find The Dog

First, you must recall when the last time was you saw the dog.  If you leftfor work in the morning and the animal was present, then you know they got lose at some point during the day. Those that have fences in their yards with dog doors to access the outdoors commonly have this issue of missingpets.  The dog gets bored during the day, hops the fence and roams the neighborhood all day long.  Inother cases, you may have lost your animal at a dog park or walking trail.  Thankfully, most of those areasare closed or sectioned off to prevent losing animals and even in some situations, children as well.

Tip #3:  Revisit The Places You Last Were With TheDog

Start by retracing your steps during the day.  If you went out somewhere whenyou lost the dog then walk around the perimeter of the shops, park or walking trails you both were on in the eventyou can pass by your pet.  Often, many shop owners or joggers will grab the dog and begin walking the samearea to hopefully find the owner and return the animal safely.

Tip #4:  Create A Media Frenzy To Get Your Dog Back HomeSafely

Make yourself something to help locate the dog to strangers.  This meanscreating some flyers, posters, and posting on the web anywhere you can.  It is quite amazing the power that abasic flyer can do.  Once the public can see a photo or even a drawing of your canine, they can easilyidentify it if they cross paths.  Clearly mark the posters by placing your phone number or email address on itfor any inquires or information you may receive.

Tip #5 Use Gratitude When You Find The Dog

In the event you are fortunate enough to locate your dog or puppy by thethoughtfulness of another person, be sure to express that gratitude.  Some people will offer a reward of somemonetary denomination, and others will simply thank them quite a bit.  Depending on how long the dog wasmissing and what the caregiver did to watch over the pet until you were found is how you should base their rewardoff of.


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