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Winning the War on Fleas



puppy scratchingWhen your dog obtains a set of energized little heathens in their fur, better known as fleas, it becomes your problem. Fleas do not live that long, which is a good thing in fact most do not even make it six months. However, in that very short span of time they have the ability to provide the world with millions of offspring, often all throughout your dog’s coat of fur.

What can occur with your dog as a result of getting the flea bugs is a mild skin irritation, but some dogs are allergic to such fleas and can have a much stronger reaction. Every pet is susceptible to getting the flea bugs, but dogs seem to take the blunt of the action. If you notice your dog scratching their fur often, you may need to inspect it for fleas. They can also obtain dirt from the fleas that will surface on their skin. The danger ins that some fleas have tapeworms, in the event your dog has been diagnosed with a tapeworm, they most likely have fleas as well. Look for scabbing on the skin as well when you inspect your furry friend and some canines can even have such as reaction that they have different colors appear on their lips and they may lose some of their energy quickly in these cases you should take your dog to the vet instantly.

To begin to control the flea attacks, you can opt for one of the endless collars that are currently available on the market today. They are made now in various sizes to fit your dog perfectly. Some dogs are not fond of the collars they pull, tug and even bite at their collars, but wearing the collars will be much better than suffering from fleas for months or weeks at a time. They also now have shampoos you can bathe the dog in to get rid of the fleas as much as possible. The shampoos tend to have a strong smell, but here again, it is much better than having fleas! There are sprays you can purchase as well that will generally kill the fleas on contact, helping your dog become more pleasant and relieving some of their pain so they can get back to living normally again. To completely get rid of your fleas, you may need to use a vacuum and get all of the carpeted areas in your home to ensure the bigger, more adult fleas are not lurking in your home or office just waiting to pounce on your dog again. Many fogging techniques are recommended and they do work wonders. It may be better to seek the advice of your vet before you begin trying to win the battle against the fleas in your home. They could be coming from another source and it may be easier to diffuse the situation if your vet looks at the dog first and you both can collectively come up with a great plan of action.

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