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How to Puppy Proof YourHome



puppy_loveGetting your family a new puppy is such an exciting adventure.  There will now be a new family member to focus your attention on and give unconditional love to.  With all the many joys having a puppy can bring, they also require a lot of responsibility.  Similar to having a baby that just learned how to walk and talk, a puppy will need to be supervised or at least you will need to make some adjustments to puppy proof your home.

Why You Should Puppy Proof Your Home:

Puppy proofing your home means you have less injuries with your new furryfriend.  It also means you can have less property damage done to your home as well.  Every young dog willlearn by experience and they will chew your shoes, even your baseboards.  They will climb things theyshouldn't and even destroy a few household items via stains.  This is all normal young pup life andplacing furniture away from the animal that you do not want ruined or keeping the breakable items on higher shelfwill decrease this behavior.

How to Begin Puppy Proofing:

To start, you can always get some additional tips from the Internet or bypurchasing a how to book.  There you will find endless tips and many ideas which you probably would nothave thought of on your own.  Moving trash cans and small glass items are usually the first steps to makingyour home safer for any animal.  Also, it is always best to get the safety measuring tips for the inside andthe outside of the home together.

Start Inside The Home:

Think of the worst case scenario when puppy proofing your home.  Where willyour pup be spending all of his or her time when you are at work all day long?  If you have a door that thedog can get in and out of during the day to take bathroom breaks, then you can usually work away from the home inpeace.  If not, make certain they have a space to take care of those needs, something to chew on, and plentyof water to drink.  Move items of high value away from the dog's reach at least until you know they can betrusted.  Wires for electronic devices such as cable cords and telephone ones are commonly chewed on bypuppies and should be concealed. 

Outside Of The Home:

Perhaps you are one of the fortunate families that already possesses a fenced-inbackyard for your pup.  This is great news for play time, but what about when you are not supervising theanimal?  Can they jump with ease over the fencing?  Can they get out of the area when notsupervised?  These are all elements that must be considered as you could run the risk of losing your newdog.  Remove all sharp objects from the yard and close and lock up any sheds or tool areas that can also behazardous to a puppy.


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