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Useful Information for Dog Breeding



newborn puppiesDog breeders today all have one thing in common: the need for responsible ownership and being sure of their dogs' well-being. There are several things that every new dog breeder must keep in mind, lest they get themselves or their dogs into a bad situation. Here are a few things to consider if you’re deciding to become a breeder yourself.

The first thing is to be an ethical breeder. If a dog breeder is breeding dogs just for financial gain and care nothing for the dogs' well-being, they're heading down the path towards being an unethical breeder. The second thing a new breeder must always remember is to do the required research for the type of dog that they want to breed. Before a breeder picks a specific breed, they usually specialize in a specific breed of dog. A new dog breeder must also make sure that they have the required space available and also the required funds to get started. The ultimate thing a new dog breeder must remember is to take responsibility for their decision to breed dogs.

As a new breeder, a person has to be sure that they have the necessary space for their new litter. This means setting up a place for the dog to deliver the litter and also to raise the litter. This means having the initial financial base the new breeder needs to cover the cost of raising the litter and caring for the mother and father. The proper place for a mother to deliver is in a warm room in a semiprivate area. Some owners set up a box, called a whelping box, made of sturdy materials and filled with warm blankets. This is the best way for a mother to raise her newborn pups. A whelping box ensures that a mother has a proper place to feed her pups and to keep them warm. Ensuring that the mother has a proper place to rear her new puppies is only one small part of dog breeding.

After the puppies are born, that's when the real fun begins. It takes at least eight weeks for the puppies to be old enough to be separated from their mother. In that time, they are going to be learning to walk, run and generally be extremely active. Puppies grow very fast and the breeder has to be ready to take on that responsibility. The breeder has to be ready to raise these puppies after the initial eight weeks because they may not find buyers until much later. The breeder has to do a lot of legwork in order to find people to either adopt or buy the puppies they're raising. The internet is the best place to start advertising. There are also trade shows and functions that a breeder can attend in order to show the world the dogs that they're raising.

Once the buyers have been found, a breeder needs to be sure the dogs they're raising are ready to leave the home. The breeder has to remember that they must be at least eight weeks old, but be sure to research the individual breed and whether it requires more time with the mother. Once families have been found for the puppies, it is the breeder's responsibility to make sure that they are going to safe homes. If the dog is going to be abused and mistreated, it is up to the breeder to tell that family they're not going to get the dog.

Finally, there’s one big issue to consider when you’re thinking about getting into the breeding game: shelters are already full to capacity with dogs that desperately need homes. As a breeder, you need to be aware that every dog you’re responsible for is one dog that isn’t going to be adopted from shelters or rescues, and at times that does mean trading one dog’s life for another. It’s an unhappy truth, but if you can’t live with the fact that you’ll be cutting into the work shelters are trying to do or think you can just plain ignore it, then you really shouldn’t be a breeder.

Making the choice to become a dog breeder is not an easy one, but can ultimately be a rewarding one. Just make sure you know what you’re getting into and have the means to care for the dogs you help bring into the world.


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