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Dog Tears: PreventingStains 



crying pugSome dogs have a condition referred to as 'epiphora', which is more commonly referred to as dog tearing.  This condition causes the animal to result in staining that can be either red or brown and stain.  Many people assume this is a result of an illness or something rather common, and while it can occur in many dogs, it has a reason for developing.  Most pet owners become frightened when they see the staining on the dog fur, and this is a normal reaction. Look into all of the options before giving your dog any treatment that may worsen the ailment.

What Causes DogTearing?:

This condition is caused by numerousthings.  If your dog suffers from allergies they may have this tearing just from that alone.  Having apoor diet can be another reason for the symptom to appear also.  Encourage your dog to eat healthy and providethem with several choices for lean proteins and lots of fiber.  Some can obtain this from genetics which issomething to speak with your veterinarian with.

When Do Dogs ExperienceTearing?:

Generally speaking, dogs willexperience tearing as young pups.  They, much like human babies go through a developmental time when they areteething and as they grow into adult dogs.  During this time it is not recommended that you give your puppyany antibiotics until a vet suggests so.  Giving your pup antibiotics at an early age can result in animmunity to them later down the line and not being able to use them for more serious illnesses.  You can alsoexperience this ailment if your dog has recently started on a new diet plan.  If this is the case, then switchthe food choices back to what they were.

How Can You TreatTearing?:

Taking your dog to the vet is thefirst and most crucial step in curing their aliment.  There they can be tested properly and get to the root ofthe problem.  If that still poses questions, then perhaps an eye specialist.  Obviously, the eye doctorwill have many more resources to better understand why your dog is experiencing the tearing and have a solution foryou.  Some canines for example can have a condition that roots in the nasal passages and causes them to havetearing from time to time.  If the dog has been abused or in an injury of any kind, they may also have somescar tissue that is causing the eyes to do this as well. 

Some Final Suggestions ForDog Tearing:

Another option is to take your canineto have their tear ducts evaluated.  If they are closing or closed up they may suggest a procedure calledflushing.  Flushing is a common procedure that will require the dog being out under anesthesia.  If youdo not have some form of pet insurance, this may be a tad expensive so ensure that you have it in yourbudget.  Another option can be when the hair around the eyes is causing irritation and resulting intearing.

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