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What are Lap Dogs?



lap dogToday it seems that every celebrity has jumped onto the bandwagon of taking the newest popular accessory with them everywhere that they go. These living and breathing accomplices are spotted at the grocery store, on the street and some have even made appearances at the red carpet. Some of them even get to be accessorized themselves with the latest fashions. What is this must-have mania that is popping up everywhere? It is the furry companion commonly referred to as the lap dog.

What exactly is a lap dog? These dogs, also referred to as small dogs, are exactly what they sound like. They are dogs that are small enough to fit onto your lap, into your arms, or in some celebrity’s cases, in your purse. While you may be under the impression that these dogs can be treated as an accessory, it is vital to understand that choosing a dog based on size and appearance may lead you to a dog that you were not prepared for.

The first thing that you should do when considering becoming the owner of a small dog is understand the differences between the breeds. While a Chihuahua may be cute and fit your size requirements, you may not be prepared for the level of noise that they can make.  You should also take the aspect of shedding into consideration as well. Do not associate the size of the dog with its level of shedding. Instead, research the specific breed of small dog that you are interested in and choose one that has a level of shedding that you are comfortable with.

Some of the most popular small dogs are also referred to as toy dog breeds because of their miniature size. Some of the most common toy dog breeds include the Chinese Crested, Japanese Chin, Maltese, Pekingese, Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Shih Tzu, and Yorkshire Terrier. While these breeds are similar in size, they vary greatly in their social skills and training abilities. You may love the look of the Yorkshire Terrier, but be unprepared for the amount of barking that this small creature lets out. You may think that all small dogs are full of energy, but be surprised to find that your Japanese Chin likes to nap more than exercise. These are just a few examples of why you need to first understand what it is you are looking for in terms of choosing a lap dog.

There can be several advantages of owning a small dog, as opposed to other dogs. These dogs are ideal for small living spaces such as apartments or condominiums, especially since some landlords only allow dogs that are under a certain weight limit. Lap dogs also have a tendency to form close bonds with their owners, as their size enables them to be with their owner in almost all situations if need be. They also tend to be less intimidating to other people and animals that you may already have in your home, such as a cat.

Remember when choosing your lap dog that while you may be leaning towards one breed or another for physical appearance, you should understand all of the traits and needs of that breed as well. A pet that is loved and accepted for who they are by their owner is likely to lead to a flourishing bond.

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