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Clipping Dog Nails: A How ToGuide



dog_nailsClipping your dog's nails is a process that simply must be done. If you do a bit of research prior to taking on the job, you will find it to be a much smoother process. Dogs, much like humans have nails that will continue to grow and depending on the lifestyle of the canine, they may already have short nails. For instance, if your pet trots on harder flooring most of the time it can automatically have trimmer nails from walking on them so frequently. Getting the correct tools and knowing how to do it is key, then it will become second nature to you.

Why You Should Clip YourDog's Nails:

Clipping their nails is just a partof good overall health. It is something every dog owner should consider if they want a happy pup. You should trimtheir nails if they are not the type of canine that walks frequently or runs on hard surfaces daily to manage theirown nails. They can actually rip their nails out if they get too long, some dogs can also have ones that curl undermaking it very uncomfortable for them.

Supplies Needed to Clip DogNails:

Nail trimmers are vital and you canlocate these at any pet store and also in most grocery chains as well. If your animal is larger in size you maywant to find clippers that can trim their nails with ease such as the variation that clips them straight down.Filing utensils are also quite common and a great idea to keep on hand. Even after trimming their nails they maystill need to have some filing done to even off rough edges.

How to Clip DogNails:

A very common method of nail trimmingfor dogs is to encourage the animal to lay down and be comfortable. You may need a partner to help you so the dogdoesn't get up and try to run away while you are clipping. Each set of clippers will have their own directions,this is important to review as some have different methods of using them more effectively. Get the clippers in thebest place and squeeze down on the utensil and that is all that is needed! The nails will fall off instantly andyou can let your dog walk around if they wish.

Additional Advice For CanineNail Trimming:

If you dog has black nails, it may beeasier to take them to the vet to have this done. It can be rather challenging and you cannot see the bloodline indarker nails, posing more of a challenge so it may be best to take them to the vet to ensure they are having itdone properly.

Final Tips for Dog NailTrimming:

It can be a simple task once you geta system down, and some dogs do not even put up a struggle through the task. If yours happens to hate it, then seeka helper or take them to a specialist. Do not hurt your animal and if you feel you may be hurting them, stop theprocess instantly.

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