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Should You Buy From A PuppyMill?



Spay_Dog.jpgPuppy mills are something that appears to be cute and a notable industry from a far, but as you get closer to the real business at hand being done there it is not just cute puppies. Some litters that are brought into the world through puppy mills are not healthy ones. They have a tendency to not live as long as some other breeding agencies and they can even separate the puppy from their mother way too soon causing a ton of issues later down the line.

All puppies should stay close with mothers until they are around eight weeks old,some need it longer others can be parted at six weeks, but it is not recommended. This is not just to ensure thepup bonds with their mother, but to ensure they are bonding with the siblings from the same littler as well. It isa healthy experience for the puppy overall to stay within the week guidelines. Some people that own puppy mills areknowledgeable and actually follow the set rules for successful breeding, while others unfortunately do not and theyare better known as “backyard breeders”.

These people are not well versed in breeding or raising puppies and they are moregeared toward making a business out of their pups than helping to breed healthy and well trained pups. Actuallybreeding puppies is not a very expensive business to get involved with, but the profits can be great which is whyso many decide to breed their own pups but do not realize the dangers involved. Some of them do not register yourpuppies, even though they may tell you they did. If the certificate of authenticity does not possess a breeder’ssignature on it, chances are it is not a good place to buy your dog. To look out for these signs, do make sure youhave visited your breeder or the puppy mill center more than one occasion. Look at the puppy with their mother,note their behaviors. Glance at the building or farm you are in when you visit the puppy. Notice the area, theenvironment and if it is clean and appears to be a great training ground for puppies to be bred in. if you have anyreservations, you may need to stick with your gut feelings and pass on buying your puppy there. Unfortunately,there are more of those backyard breeders than there are places that have knowledgeable staff on site that havedone the proper research to breed them well. Often experts in this field will warm not to purchase your puppy inplaces that seem to breed several different breeds of puppies in the same habitat. The breeders should bequestionable about you as well, they should inquire what type of environment you will be raising the puppy in andif you have the time in your schedule to dedicate to raise a pup. It is best to buy from a reputable breeder, onethat has a solid reputation and that can provide proof of their expertise.


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