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Three Main Keys to Owning a Happy and Healthy Dog



happy dogJust as keeping your own body and mind clear and fit is crucial, it is just as imperative to ensure those are being maintained for your dog as well. Many people assume that since dogs are already very active creatures that they do not need additional exercise during the week to stay healthy and that could not be further from the truth. Dogs need quite a bit of activity to be peaceful canines and to not develop any illnesses either.

Most would imagine that their dog is getting a sufficient amount of exercise by walking their dogs on occasion, but in fact they need to be walked on a daily basis and for a fair distance before they are ready to go back inside for the day. Just walking your dog around the block once in the morning is not suffice, you have to walk any dog anywhere from twenty minutes to an hour every single day. Yes, that’s correct you could very well be the proud owner of one of those dogs or puppies that will need to be walked for an hour a day. A good place to start is to ask your vet if your dog requires additional fitness planning or not. From there you can create a plan for your dog to stay fit and trim.

Walking, playing, climbing and just tossing a ball back and forth with your dog will help them stay healthy. Another suggestion is to always provide quality, health conscious food, snacks and treats for your dog. Try to steer clear of any table feeding as it can be loaded with foods that are high in fat and cholesterol which both can be very bad for a dog. Chocolate is not the only food that needs to be prevented for a doggie diet, as dogs can also have weight issues and not need to eat many table foods that can be very unhealthy for them. An overweight dog can have difficulty sleeping, being active and become cranky and bark out of stress instead of for a specific reason.

How your dog interacts socially is yet another aspect to consider if you feel your dog may need additional help with their fitness regimen. Social interaction when it is limited or when it is not handled openly by the dog, can be a direct sign that the dog is stressed or even depressed. If your dog just barks when people are around they may need obedience training and not a fitness plan. If they respond to your attention or your commands when they are acting out of frustration when company is present, they may need mental stimulation instead. In these cases, make sure you are giving your dog enough attention as you always did in the past and always reward them for excellent behavior. If you increase the dog’s activities and their meal plan and you still do not see any improvement, make an appointment with their veterinarian and have it checked out. It could be something very simple that needs changed to get your dog back on track and living an active lifestyle.

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