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Dog First Aid: How To Treat Woundsand the Supplies You Need



dog first aid kitAre you proficient in dog first aid?  Do you know how to treat wounds and the supplies you need to care for them?  Most pet owners do not know how to care for their animals.  It is much like a parent that does not know CPR, but yet can raise a healthy child no problem.  Owning a dog means thinking about the unexpected to ensure your animal will be safe at all times.  They will pull objects on top of themselves, and they will also touch hot surfaces and step on sharp objects, it is merely a fact of life for dogs.  Take the appropriate steps to start in the right direction for a safe and healthy pet for life.

Why Should You Think AboutDog First Aid?:

There is nothing worse than cominghome from work and realizing your dog has injured themselves.  It is not just the pain and suffering they cango through, but the expense of having to get them back to good health is also to be considered.  Pet insuranceis not affordable for all dog owners, so making certain your furry friend is always safe should be a toppriority.  By purchasing a few good products and having them in the home for emergencies, you will be stepahead of the rest.

How To Begin TreatingWounds:

Every wound will have some way ofidentifying it to better treat it.  For example, some wounds are very shallow and have penetrated well intothe muscle tissue, and others are just under the surface of the dog's skin.  To start, you must cleanse yourhands and then cleanse the wound.  If you have some form of saline liquid or even soap that is antibacterialwill suffice to clean the dog's wound.  Use some brand of cream or ointment over the wound just as you wouldfor a small child that has scraped their knee.

Covering TheWound:

It is extremely important to coverthe wound once you have cleaned it properly.  This is for a few reasons, mostly to keep your dog safe fromchewing at their wound or biting at the gauze or tape.  They all have a tendency to try to get any type ofbandage off rather quickly because they do not like them.  Ensure you have wrapped it well, but not too tightthat it becomes constricting.

Dog First AidSupplies:

You should always have a supply ofitems needed to care for your dog should they ever become injured.  Major pet supply stores will have kitsalready made up for sale and you can also obtain bandages and dog specific creams and ointments to treat scrapes,wounds and even burns for your canine.  Some of the smaller scale kits can be as low as ten dollars topurchase with the larger kits slightly higher in price. Also, consult with your vet to get any additional tips andtechniques to use at home with your canine in the event an injury takes place, you will be glad youdid!

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