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Training Your Dog to Walk with a Leash



dog walking dogTeaching your puppy to walk on a leash is somewhat comparable to teaching a toddler how to walk. There will be meltdowns, there will be accidents, and there will be days where they want nothing to do with your training. Have an open mind and some compassion as learning to walk on a leash is imperative for all dogs.

To begin the leash training, you must find a leash that is appropriate for the size of your dog. Getting a leash that is too small will only allow your dog to become frustrated and want to quit the training immediately. If the dog is large in size and well over fifty pounds, you must purchase a larger size of leash and vice versa for a smaller dog or puppy. Locate a leash that provides ample room as far as inches from where your hand wraps around the leash to where the leash is attached to the dog. A few feet should suffice, but nothing shorter. You want the dog to be close enough for you to control while on your walks each day, but not too far to get into trouble.

Next, attach the leash and allow it to hang on the floor while attached to the dog or puppy. This exercise will allow the dog to play with it and even walk around the house with it on for a few minutes before they become hostile about wearing it. This is a key moment to give praises and pet the dog for wearing it successfully before you even leave the house. The first few times you take the dog out with the leash, be sure to take any treats with you in your pocket to reward any good behavior while on your journey. You will also need to take any supplies with you to clean up after your dog if you are going in an environment that requires it.

Start off walking the dog slowly. If they resist, you can simply give it a gentle tug and continue walking. The dog will come with you if you tug on their leash gently. You do not need to use any brute force as you could result in choking the dog or upsetting it greatly. Allow the dog to roam as long as they are listening well as this is very important to leash training. Many times a dog will feel trapped with the leash and not want to settle with it on if they feel you do not allow them to walk around and smell things or walk a path they choose to take. Give them freedom as long as they are not harming themselves. When another animal may cross your path, always pull the dog closer to your body on the leash until you know they will not go into attack mode when they cross another animal on the street. This is also utilized to protect your dog from another one trying to harm it as well. Some dogs train exceptionally well after just one week of being on the leash, while others may take a few weeks until they realize the leash system isn’t going away and they must adapt to it.

Mastering the leash is critical for both canine and owner, otherwise you’ll find it nearly impossible for your dog to be taken anywhere. Take the time and effort, and above all take some patience, and make sure to train your pooch up right.


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