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5 When To Euthanize Your Dog: Making The Decision 



euthanizing your dogHaving a pet of any kind for several years can grow on a family.  They can become your best friend, a member of the family to always rely on and one that always makes you smile.  When the time comes that the dog gets older or even develops an illness of any kind, it may be the appropriate time to begin discussing when to euthanize your dog.

When Is The Right Time To Make The Decision:

Making this decision is a complex one, one that should be further evaluated by you, your family, and your vet.  There are several things to consider when coming to a conclusion as serious as this one.  The physical demands required for the dog to live a full lifestyle can become challenging as they age.  If the dog can no longer walk, have bathroom breaks, eat without getting sick after or even sleep peacefully then it may be the right time.  Some animals can also be in pain from an illness such as cancer or any bone disease.  Take all of those symptoms into consideration before you make your final move, but keep in mind if the animal is not living their normal routine and has not been for several months, your vet may recommend euthanizing the canine.

What is involved in Euthanizing A Dog?:

Generally speaking, this is a very common procedure.  It can also be referred to as putting your dog to sleep.  This can be done through your veterinarian and in some cases, if the pet already has some form of pet insurance it can be mostly covered.  The vet will give the animal a small injection and within virtually sixty seconds or less the animal passes.  It is not a painful experience for the dog in any way.

How Do You Prepare The Family For Euthanizing?:

Going through the decision making process to euthanize your family pet is strenuous enough, but it may not be the biggest part.  Helping to guide your family through this emotional time can be a struggle as well, especially for little ones.  Explain to your family members that the dog was no longer happy living the way that they were, and if they were in pain then ensure they will no longer be suffering.

What Can You Do To Heal After Euthanizing A Dog?:

Once the procedure has been completed, it is best to focus on the family members.  This is a time to encourage and console one another, by any means necessary.  Taking your mind off of the event by going out to do something fun with the family, or even something in remembrance of the animal.  Making a memorial in your own backyard can be another way to help heal the emotional wounds.

A Closing Note On Euthanizing:

Taking this next step in your dog's life is a very serious one.  It requires a clear mind to focus on what is imperative for the animal and also how it will effect those around you that are close to the canine.  Take your time discussing it, and between the vet and those who love the dog, you will all make the best decision in the end.

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