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Dog TrainingTips 



DogTraining1.gifHundreds of thousands of people all over the world are proud owners and friends to dogs.  It seems that almost everyone you know has one, so how much work can it really take to own one? Some of the most important stories that are often left out in the discussion of dogs are the training that is involved in breaking in this house pet. Without proper training, you may be putting not only your pet in harm’s way, but also yourself, your family and your home. By following the training tips below, you can easily transition your dog into a well-trained addition to your family and life.


Educate yourself and your dog. Puppy and dog classes are not designed strictly for dogs that misbehave, which is a common misconception. There are many classes out there designed to train puppies how to socialize with other dogs and people. These classes will also begin to teach your dog basic orders, such as sit or stay. There are even courses available online now for owners with a busy schedule.


Take control of the leash. Many puppies get overly excited when you go to take them for a walk and they yank at the leash. In order to teach your dog not to do this, you need to incorporate a stop and go routine. When the puppy pushes hard on the leash, simply come to a complete stop and wait for it to loosen the leash. Once it stops to loosen up, you may proceed walking. Repeat this process and you will be able to break your dog of the bad habit of tugging before it becomes a routine.  


Be prepared for chewing. If your dog seems to want to chew everything in sight, remember to try and control your anger and irritation. Training your dog is about rewards, not punishment so be prepared by having plenty of chew toys available for your dog and reward it when it utilizes them. If the dog goes for your favorite leather pump, simply swap it for a toy instead and eventually the dog will learn to go straight for the toys.


Ignorance is bliss. It may feel like your dog, especially if it is a puppy, wants to jump on you and everyone around them at every chance it gets. Instead of using any type of force to push or move the dog off of you, ignore them. While it may take some time for the dog to get the hint, by showing it no reaction you are signaling that this type of behavior will not be rewarded with a response.


Housebreaking stabilization. Just like human beings, a dog needs to feel as though it has a stable location for relieving itself. If you are housebreaking your dog by teaching it to relieve itself outside, then try to designate a specific area that is close to the house. The more consistency the dog experiences during relief, the better chance you have at preventing accidents.


The key items in all of the above tips are to be consistent with your training. If you do not follow through repeatedly with incorporating these behaviors into the dog’s regular routine, then you will not be successful. By following these training tips, you will make the experience of pet ownership valuable to both yourself and your dog.



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