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Dog Toys


Dog_Toy.jpgSometimes, house training a new puppy can seem like an incredibly difficult task. Especially because new puppies tend to have a short attention span. What can you do to help switch their favorite hobbies from chewing on your new favorite pair of shoes to chewing on a dog bone? The number one thing you need to realize is that puppies are going to chew because they are teething and chewing things feels good on their gums. To avoid having your furniture and other favorite things ruined, you may want to invest in dog toys. Dog toys help distract and deter dogs from things that you may not want sloppily slobbered on. If you are unsure of what types of toys to buy, here a few examples for you to choose from.

A rubber tug - Rubber tugs are great because they allow the dog to chew one end while you hold onto the other. This is great because it causes resistance making the dog think that you are playing a game. When you pull the rubber tug, it also causes friction on the dogs gums so this is a great toy for teething pups.


Rubber tire - This is the same concept as the rubber tug, but it’s in the shape of a tire or donut. The rubber tire actually is thicker and made of stronger rubber. This may be better for older puppies as their teeth get sharper.


Flying rubber dog toys - These disc-like rubber pieces will soar through the air, allowing your dog to chase after them and jump to catch them in his mouth. This is a great game that will tire your dog out while also keeping his jaws occupied.


The tennis ball - The oldest dog toy in the book is your average tennis ball. Tennis balls are great because they fit in most dogs mouths and can be thrown quite far. This gives the dog a good distance to run to chase the tennis ball. The material of a tennis ball is not as canine-resistant as rubber toys, but tennis balls are tough enough to be fetched without completely crumbling in your dog’s mouth.


Rope dog toy - Rope toys in the shape of a bone are great for older puppies because they are harder to destroy by chewing and they don’t leave teeth impressions like rubber toys may. Because dog’s jaws get stronger with age, it’s important to give them toys that cannot be destroyed with one chomp.

Rawhide rings - Rawhide rings are great for older dogs as well because they will typically hold their form. The great thing about rawhide rings are even once they get drenched with slobber, their original form may be altered from teeth impressions, but once they re-dry, they will dry hard ready for more chewing.


The main goal of buying your new dog toys is to ensure that he is occupied enough to keep from chewing on your favorite things. You always want to ensure that your dog feels as though he is not being ignored because if he does, he may take it out on his owner. By buying your dog toys and playing games with him, he will feel like he is getting the attention he wants.


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