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What Not to Feed Your Dog



dog eatingAll pet owners love to see their dog happy. They love to see how excited they are when they are given a special and unexpected treat. Always be cautious feeding your dog anything and everything. Remember, their systems do not tolerate a lot of foods and unfortunately, you may end up learning the wrong way, after your poor dog has become ill from something you fed it.

Some common and well known foods you should not feed your dog are chocolate and alcoholic beverages. Taking in those items may result in your dog going into a coma and/or death. Also, do not feed your dog cat foods or cat treats. You may think it is acceptable to do since they are all animals however, the cat food and treats are just way too high in fats and proteins. So, it’s a good practice to just not do it.

No bones, no bones, no bones! These can and will case many types of digestive obstructions inside your dog. Do not give your dog milk to drink as many dogs are allergic to it. Never allow your dog to ever eat anything while taking a walk with you.  This includes garbage, trash or old food found on a street. You do not know what is in that food and where it came from. Immediately pull them away from it. Sugary types of foods. They don’t need them and they give them no nutritional value at all. If you keep your dog on a leash when walking them, this should be no challenging task to steer them away from things on the street that can hurt them. Once you begin feeding them to your dog on a regular basis, your dog could become obese and develop diabetes. Dogs should also not be fed salt. Salt may cause electrolyte imbalances in their system in large quantities.

Do not allow them to chew on things like string or dental floss and don’t leave it anywhere in your home where they may get into it. It can end up in their digestive system and become trapped causing them a great deal of pain and a trip to the vets. Some dog owners feed their dogs raw meat. Another bad idea, that same raw meat just may contain several types of bacteria like E Coli and Salmonella. This can cause a great deal of diarrhea and vomiting, too. Lastly and importantly, do not allow anyone to feed your dog any food, table scraps or treats without your permission. This is much like raising a child, you would not want your child to consume certain foods or snacks that you have taken out of their diets, and you would expect those around you to respect your wishes not to do so. The same theory applies to your dog, do not permit others to feed your pet things you do not approve of as you will be the one caring for it should it become sick from them. Remember, it is your dog and your responsibility to keep it healthy and safe.

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