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The Best Dogs for Senior Citizens



Dogs_and_Seniors.jpgWhen selecting a dog, it can be tricky. However, selecting a dog as a senior citizen can involve more thought and research about certain kinds of dogs. You will want to really think about your lifestyle. If you are a fairly healthy person, or if you have health needs and concerns? Having a dog is a big commitment. It is a commitment of time, money, lifestyle change and the love and care of the new dog.

Do not adopt or purchase a dog that seems like it will be overwhelming from the beginning because it will not get any easier with time. Perhaps being clear in your mind of what type of dog would suit you, your family and home life is best at first. If you live in a condo or apartment, you will want to give that situation some serious thought as well.  How will you take it out to go to the bathroom many times during the day and night? Is just the thought of all that process too much for you? Do you have a fenced in yard with easy access from your home? All items to think about prior to becoming an official dog owner.


Match the size of your dog to your surroundings. Do not adopt a lab and squeeze it into an efficiency type of an apartment. It’s not good for you and it’s definitely not good for the dog. There are many other types of smaller dogs that would match with this type of home instead of a lab. Some great types of dogs for seniors would be any miniatures or toy poodle types. These dogs provide great companionship and are easy to carry around.  More often than not they end up becoming a lap dog for you.  Other types would be shih Tzu’s, Chihuahuas, and Boston terriers. Pomeranians actually prefer being around adults over children which would work out nicely for a senior citizen. You will want to totally stay away from any rambunctious types of any dog. If they behave this way when you first meet them, this is how they will be if you take this dog home. It is what it is and your thinking it is cute or sweet looking will not take this behavior out of this dog. Also, make sure you are not allergic to any of the dogs that you may be considering adopting. The right dog can provide a great deal of companionship to a senior citizen and help keep you feeling a bit younger and more active by caring for it on a regular basis.


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